Dear God,
This is my first letter, to you Lord. I have prayed before. Just never written to you.
I feel like I should introduce myself to you? Yet at the same time I smile at the thought because, it's a silly one. YOU created me! You know exactly who I am. Exactly who I once was, and who I am yet to be.
For many reasons this letter has taken a while to come to be. Perhaps I wasn't ready... Perhaps I put too many reasons and excuses in front of the fact that I didn't feel worthy to write an intimate letter for The Lord of LORDS, The KING OF KINGS!!
I'll admit, I'm a bit intimidated for the reason about and also for the fact that potentially other people will read this. Although, I believe you put this seed -this idea in my mind and in my heart.
For a long time I felt some kind of emotions with the idea of letting others into my intimate moments with my family and friends. Especially with my relationship with YOU, God. Maybe that emotion was fear? Fear of not being accepted or fear of being judged ? It took many years, many months and days to finally understand that the acceptance, the judgement of others doesn't matter. At the beginning and end of the day the only ONE whose acceptance and judgment matters is yours, My Lord.
I need you, in every aspect of my life. Although in this moment i need you to help me understand others. Especially those who are close to me, in my heart and in my life. I've been struggling with having empathy in different scenarios. Mostly those that involve me being hurt by others. Or the feeling of betrayal.
As i type this... Jesus comes to my mind. How was he able to react with love and empathy even though he KNEW Judas and Peter would betray Him? While acknowledging the fact that, his is The Son Of The Living God. I can't help but want to be able to act more like Jesus. That's the genius of Jesus though.... I heard this audio book a few months back called 'THE MAN WHO CHANGED EVERYTHING The Genius Of Jesus' By Erwin Raphael McManus .
While i was listening to this book I understood it but the way I'm understanding it this very moment is incredible.

God, what I am trying to say is. Help me be more like Jesus. Help me treat others the way he did. Even though they might not have the intentions I do. Help me, understand them. Give me the wisdom I need to be more like Jesus.
Thank you, for everything I have.
Thank you for your everlasting love.
Your daughter Kimberly Monique 💕