Dear God,
I received your response to my letter I wrote a little while ago. When I caught onto what you were doing, honestly I was very happy, surprised and a little caught off guard. I guess because I wasn't expecting such a direct response!
Wanting a deeper connection and being able to find a way that is out of my norm to talk and just connect with you. Plus my faith getting stronger. You literally spoke to me in all of these topics!
Reading my book, I've been working on I read about a woman who was bleeding for 12 YEARS. To summarize, she had SO MUCH faith in God that she believed if she touched Jesus' robe she would be healed, and she was!! She stayed in faith, even after all those years she had faith and she believed she would be healed. I will be using her and her story as a perfect example of having faith no matter how long a situation hasn't been ideal. I WILL have faith that no matter what, it will be healed.

I was listening to a podcast.... I admit i didn't finish it because I got overwhelmed with how you responded to this next part. I the pastor was talking about how we have to be quite and listen. She shared how during her sabbatical, she found a new way of devotional time.
It was basically in everything she did. While she slept, took a walk, and all the everyday things many of us do. She mentioned how alot of people in the church feel like in order to have and grow our relationship with You we have to do all these fancy things, like read the bible, fast, prey and go on retreats and many other things. While these are important. It is imperative to not forget that You, My Lord, simply want a relationship with us.... BOOM!! That's when I got the chills because I became aware that in that very moment you were talking to me. So how will my relationship with you continue to evolve and become a commune? My everyday tasks as if you, MY Lord, my best friend are right next to me, doing it with me.
These two responses are the key to me becoming a better human. I believe that if my relationship with you is growing. I truly believe I will evolve into someone you want me to be, someone I will be proud of and just overall be a kinder more loving, more patient person.
Thank you for speaking to me, thank you for responding to me, and thank you for allowing me to be able to receive your response!
Psalm 85:8
"I will hear what God the LORD will speak,
For He will speak peace
To His people and to His saints;
But let them not turn back to folly. "
May I and all my loved ones hear you when you speak to us O' Lord!!