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Quarter One


Dear God,

It's been a while since I last sat down to write...

It's been a while since I've given myself this time to reflect and put my thoughts, emotions, and prayers down onto something other than bottling them all.

It's been a while since I've allowed time for me to communicate in this manner with you, Lord. Forgive me... I know that you know that I know you aren't upset with me. It's more of an "I need to forgive myself" kinda thing.

Of course, having the ability to pray is incredible and so powerful, and of course, I'm still communicating with you even when I don't type it or write it out. Yet, for me, there is just this feeling of undeniable focus. When I write. It feels RIGHT!

There is so much I am grateful for and at the very same time, there is so much I'm juggling right now. I need you Lord to help me navigate these waters. I have been at such a loss and in an incredible state of: "Go, go, go! Hurry, go! Go faster"...I know this isn't healthy and I'm not living in the present moment, because I'm anticipating the next.

I feel like I am dropping the ball in a few aspects of my life right now and my relationship with you is one of them. I am so sorry God. You've done and continue to do so much for me, I don't deserve it but because of Jesus, I can receive your grace, mercy, and love.

As I am writing the song Oceans (Where Feet My Fall) by Hillsong worship comes to mind. I've sung that song so many times and just loved it but never actually felt like I was living in it.

I think I'm living in it right now.

I will eyes above the waves, Lord. Thank you for this moment.

May you continue to be my sovereign guide. My faith will be made stronger.

I love you, God.

Dear Reader,

Thank you for reading. I write these letters to God and share them publicly because I want you to know no matter what you are facing you aren't alone. There are so many people who are in the same or similar boat with you, but mostly, don't ever forget who else, and most importantly IS in the boat with you, JESUS is. HE will calm the waters; He will say " Peace be still." as He did in Mark 4:39

Call upon His name my brother or sister in Christ!

Speak the name of JESUS!

Speak it over your situation, when you are feeling doubt in your ability to over-come; speak Jesus! We will overcome because HE ALREADY DID!

Keep your eyes on HIM!

May the Lord bless you and keep you!




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