Dear God,
Lately, I've been noticing people, pastors included talking about "do the best you can with what you have, right now" and things along the lines of that. I can't help but really take it personally. Obviously, they're not talking specifically only to me - yet I still feel the need to apply it to my life in every aspect possible.
The application is usually a lot of things my brain has told me I need to do time and time again. Where I struggle is following through and if I do follow through being consistent is even harder. It could be because it's uncomfortable to stick to something new and stop doing my routine!! God, please please help me!! Help me get comfortable with being uncomfortable.
This is me just showing up. I initially was going to go in a different direction with this letter but if I'm being honest I don't have a lot of energy or momentum YET.
You knew that though, because you are all-knowing! I need help doing better at doing my best in all areas of my life.

"Your Father knows what you need before you ask him.” - Matthew 6:8