Dear God,
Today I had the honor of going to your house to hear and learn a little more about your word. It was truly reassuring. The scripture that lead today's service was Acts 3:1 When Peter and John decided to go to the temple during the time of prayer and they saw a man who couldn't walk. Well today the man who taught on this verse was very passionate. I felt your presence. His main point and my takeaway from today's message was OUR PRESENCE matters. No matter where we are or who we are with. If for some reason we feel or think... "well, maybe i shouldn't go. It won't make a difference if I'm there or not." WRONG!!!
According to this verse, a miracle starts with us simply showing up. I felt that so deeply.

With a majority of my projects and even in my personal life, I find myself believing that it wouldn't matter if I continue my podcast or these letters, or even show up to a church service. A counter thought often comes up saying "God put these seeds in your mind for a reason "
A miracle starts when I show up. I'll continue to show up everyday!
Thank you for this opportunity. Thank you for the reassurance I didn't know I needed. For anyone reading this. Your presence matters, at home, at work, with your friend group, here in this life. In this world. God put you here for a reason!!!
You are so beyond loved. Don't let the enemy tell you otherwise.