Dear God,
I was reading Exodus 32 when Moses was on Mount Sinai with you. I was wondering why nothing happened to Aaron, but then I called my grandma to ask what she thought. After hearing her perspective on the reading, I realized that your great mercy is shown there!

Please forgive me if I misunderstood.
I just can't stop thinking about your law and how it is and always will be to be followed but it was a different time then and it was before Jesus Christ. At the time the High Priest was the one to go to you and speak on behalf of your people and offer a sacrifice. Which happened.
But the human nature in me was shocked that he did that. Also, it reminds me how we humans will never be perfect. Here is a man who is supposed to be the high priest and I would assume and expect him to follow your law strictly... But that's unrealistic. Being the human I am, I thought he would have died in the group of those 2,000 people who did die because of their disobedience.
Today I heard a sermon and the pastor said you won't ever understand God! Because I'm human. I am okay with that.
What i do understand is you are My Heavenly Father.
As an earthly mother, the love I have for my kids is immeasurable. You love us so much you gave us your only son!!! So that we may be saved through Jesus Christ. John 3:16 “For God so loved the world, that he gave his only begotten Son, that whoever believeth in him should not perish, but have everlasting life."
I am in awe of you and the GOD you are. You aren't only a GOOD GOD, you are a MERCIFUL GOD, FORGIVING GOD, LOVING GOD!! YOU ARE THE ALPHA AND OMEGA !!
Thank you for giving us access to you. Thank you for forgiving us. Thank you for your mercy! Thank you for loving us!!! Thank you for JESUS CHRIST!!!
